📚 Troubleshooting Guides & Techniques 📚
Service now working or slow?
1. Check your expiry date on your subscription. If it is expired renew at www.droidplanttv.com or check our renewal page on telegram for more renewal details options.
2. If your subscription is currently active. Please restart your device and restart your internet router at the same time. This usually solves 90% of problems.
3. If none of these above options work, please contact us at droidplanettv@gmail.com to further assist with your troubleshooting needs.
💡 Tips to help with speed and performance:
📚 We recommend using a cat6 or cat7 ethernet cord directly from your device to your internet router. This is more reliable than a Wi-Fi connection.
📚 Do not use a CAT5 ethernet cord, as these cords are very old and cannot handle higher internet speeds. If you are using a CAT5 ethernet cord, this will result in buffering and slowness in the service.
📚 We recommend that you use an 80+MBPS Internet service. Anything under 60 MBPS may result into stalling and buffering if you’re using a Wi-Fi connection.
📚 Most internet services providers now offer 500 MB per second or even a 1GB service. We recommend these services with a direct ethernet cord from your internet router plugged into your device. This will give you ultimate results with your service.